Web of Science Journal Impact Factor planned in 2028


Several researchers contacted us with the question if IRRJ will get an impact factor. We understand that some universities require young researchers to publish in journals with an impact factor, for instance for tenure tracks and other career advancements. IRRJ plans to become a appealing journal for young researchers at such universities too, and we will do our best of be assigned an impact factor.

The most used impact factor is the Journal Impact Factor (JIF) of Web of Science (there's also others, like the CiteScore of Scopus). To determine a journal's JIF, Web of Science takes the number of times that papers are cited in the past two years, divided by the total number of papers in the past two years. To do this, obviously, the journal has to exist at least two years, but Web of Science additionally requires the journal to exist for at least one year to be considered.

So, IRRJ has to exist at least three years to be included by the Web of Science. Once we exist three years, IRRJ will submit a request to Web of Science, and we expect a wonderful impact factor in 2028.

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