Editorial Team


  • Djoerd Hiemstra (Radboud University, The Netherlands)

Associate Editors:

  • Vanessa Murdock (Amazon, USA)
  • Johanne Trippas (RMIT, Australia)
  • Makoto Kato, (University of Tsukuba, Japan)
  • Ismail Sengor Altingovde (Middle East Technical University, Turkiye)
  • Monica Paramita (University of Sheffield, UK)
  • Negin Rahimi (University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA)
  • Ben He (University Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
  • Shangsong Liang (Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence, UAE)
  • Haiming Liu (University of Southampton, UK)
  • Debarshi Kumar Sanyal, (Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, India)
  • Daniela Godoy (National Council for Scientific and Technological Research, Argentina)
  • Barbara Poblete (DCC University, Chile)
  • Solomon Atnafu (Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia)

Advisory board:

  • Paul Kantor (Emeritus, Rutgers University, USA)
  • Stephen Robertson (formerly Microsoft Research, UK)


  • Kay Pepping (KNAW, The Netherlands)

IRRJ uses associate editors to execute the review process. The associate editor role is similar to the role of senior program committee members in conference reviewing.  Associate editors are responsible for acceptance decisions and appointed for one year with renewable terms.  In addition, IRRJ has an editor-in-chief appointed for five years with renewable terms who is responsible for assigning submissions to associate editors, and approving ethics and misconduct decisions. There is also the IRRJ advisory board, whose members have 3 year, renewable terms.